Apr 16, 2006

Easter Service

Today is one of my favorite holidays! Easter because we celebrate the Resurrection of our RISEN Lord. I kept hearing on the radio over the weekend that if Jesus didn't really rise from the dead that Christianity is nothing. HOW TRUE! My other favorite holiday is Christmas.

I got up this morning and made the breakfast casserole that I signed up to take to church for the brunch they have every year. I was told that last year they fed over 500 people. WOW! I took the juice and casserole to church at 9am. Then came home and finished getting the kids ready (with Terrilyn and Delsa's help of course! How great that they help!) Then the kids and I went to church, while Steve went to help a friend do some things.

At church we ate some of the great brunch. SEVERAL kinds of egg and meat and cheese casseroles, with all kinds of fruit and muffins, donuts, etc. They even had a chocolate fountain with all kinds of things to put it on. Like strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, cinnamon bears, teady grahams, etc. I heard it was pretty popular! In an hour they went through 5 lbs of chocolate!

After church we came home and had lunch. My dad came in the afternoon and we had a little egg hunt for the kids. Steve and my Dad hid plastic eggs full of candy around the yard. I think my step-mom had more fun than the kids did! We took a video of it and I took a lot of pictures. I haven't uploaded them to an album YET!

The girls (yes, all 3) went to my dad's for the week. It was Spring Break here, but Stevie had school all week. I kept him home so he could go. I know, HOW MEAN!

Apr 11, 2006

Allergies STINK!

Ok, I just wanted to let you all know that I think allergies are a PAIN! LOL As if you all didn't know it! My allergies have been acting up the last couple of weeks. UGH! This year they are the worst. I have a runny nose, stuff in my throat and watery, itchy eyes. Steve, Terrilyn and Delsa keep telling me I don't have to cry all the time! Like I can help it.:)

Ok there is my rant for today.

God Bless!

Apr 5, 2006

This Day

This is the song that we sang in church Sunday. I don't know who sings it.

This Day
This is the Day You have given
This is the day I embrace
The morning awaits to be lived in
For moments too quickly do fade

Never again will there be now
Never a better time to say
I want to please You, show me how
I want to serve You with this day
With this day, with this day

This heart is the heart that is beating
To walk, to delight in your ways
For passions of earth they are fleeting
So I reach for the prize that remains

Right here, right now I seek you
Right here, right now I receive you
Right here, right now I bring you all of me

My Birthday

Ok, so I celebrated the day my mom gave birth to me on Saturday. No joke I am an April Fools Baby! :) I had a great day. I got up and scrubbed the tub with my new gadget, Mr Clean MagicReach Bathroom Cleaner, and then I started a load of laundry. The little ones got up and I fixed them and myself some breakfast. Terrilyn got up shortly after they finished and asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I told her I already ate! My mom came up for a BBQ dinner and before we ate she took Terrilyn to the store to buy stuff to make a cake. How SWEET! After they got back I went with my mom and step-dad to Sam's Club. We wandered around for a bit, tasting the samples and looking for what we would like to have! :) That's always FUN! I haven't been able to do that with my mom for a while, since she started her chemo for breast cancer in December. She has been pretty weak! It was a blast!

Then we came home and had BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs with potaot salad and chips. A couple of friends came and had dinner with us. Then we ate the cake Terrilyn made! Way to go Terrilyn! It was GREAT! YUMMY, too! She used a white cake mix (2 really) and colored them GREEN! (Gotta be GREEN if anything!), 3 different chocolate frosting, with green sprinkles and Rolo candies on top! I got some homemade cards from the kids, a card from my mom and Terrilyn(a rose, too), A gift card, and a cutting board/strianer combo.

Sunday we went to church (we forgot to set our clocks ahead even after repeated reminders! and missed Sunday School, but at least we didn't miss the Worship Service!) We learned a new song (at least I had never heard it before) called This Day (words in next blog entry). Then we came home and later in the afternoon my dad and step-mom came. After spending sime time outside with my dad and his service dog, Sam(who thinks he HAS to be outside the whole time he is here), we came in and had cake and ice cream. The cake was just as good as the day it was made! YUM! Then we played Phase-10.

I will post a picture of my cake at another time as it is still on my camera, I think.

God Bless!