Jun 12, 2006


(I will add a picture soon!)
Saturday we went to the Art City Days Carnival in Springville. It was a lot of fun, although carnivals have certainly gotten expensive! I went on the Yo-Yo with Delsa. Afterwards Steve told me that because of the trees the ride was not up to it's full running speed! Thank Goodness for that, it was all I could do to get on it! And my Step-Mom wants me to ride the Colossus when we go to Lagoon next month :) Delsa, Stevie and Rachelle went on the little Roller Coaster, rode the ride that looked like Flying Saucers, drove some cars around in circles, and a little fun house type of ride, without the scaryness! Just walking back and forth to the top and then sliding down to the bottom.

After the carnival we went to Steve's boss' house and had a steak salad (salad with cooked steak and black beans mixed in, with a ranch and BBQ sauce dressing), with garlic bread(french bread with butter, minced garlic, light sprinkle of italian seasoning and season salt), and S'mores made with Cadburry Dark chocolate and rootbeer floats for dessert. Then we watched the fireworks. It was a lot of fun.

Jun 2, 2006


I have been wanting to post more blogs, but with my computer and internet I can't be on like I would like. Also, LIFE seems to cut into my plans. I have over 100 flower pictures that I want to share, that I have taken at varying stages of the season. Then there is Stevie's last day of school program, Delsa's 6th Grade Celebration, Terrilyn at work, and other pictures that I want to share :( So little time, so much to do!

Well, I will get off here now to get dinner made and get the kids ready for bed. Now that Summer is here I will be trying to get the littlest ones to sleep in their OWN bed, ALL night! Stevie will not crawl into bed with us IF he sleeps on the couch. Rachelle will no matter where she is sleeping. When they come to bed with us we just don't sleep well as the kids are all over the place. And we are awakened with their elbows, knees, hands, and feet in our face, neck, legs, back, you name it we have had it poked by the little ones! :)

Have a God Blessed Weekend in case I cannot return!

May 7, 2006

Mowing the Lawn

Yesterday I mowed the lawns. We don't have a very big yard, just about .16 of an acre, and of course the house takes up a little bit of the land. But the yard is bigger than A LOT of the homes now a days. Or is it just that our home is smaller than a lot of homes? LOL However it goes, I did it! Usually Steve makes the girls do it, or he just mows it himself. Last week I read somewhere that mowing the lawn for 1/2 hour burns 200 calories. That's pretty good in my book as I don't get a whole lot of exercise. I know, 'You are a mom of 4 kids, 2 of which happen to be under 5, how can you NOT get a lof of exercise?!?' LOL well, it is easy if you are like me and HATE to do anything!

Any how, I mowed the lawn yesterday(first time in about 2 or 3 years)! It took me about an hour to an hour and a half to do it all, pick up the dog poo, mow and clean up the sidewalks after (so if i do it over 2 days each week, there I only have to exercise 2 or 3 more times each week, right?). It felt pretty good, too. After it was all said and done I realized I had 2 blisters on my hand. Of course, after not mowing the lawn or doing any real labor with my hands (I rarely even weed my flower beds!), I should have some blisters, right? LOL Well, it isn't the fact that I got some blisters, the funny part is WHERE I got some blisters! On the BACK of my fingers. Yep! Little blisters popped up on the first knuckle of both my tall and ring fingers of my left hand! I couldn't figure it out... How did I get them on the BACK of my hand? Well, then I figured that it must have been because I was making a fist while holding onto the handle of the mower and my thumb rubbed the backs of my fingers. LOL

Ok, Just wanted to fill in a blog entry and this was all I could think to say! So now I will say goodnight!

God Bless!

May 1, 2006

Blood Work

On Wednesday the 26th I went in the Dr and had some blood drawn. Just a routine checkup for cholesterol and diabetes. I had gone in on Monday the 24th and visited with the Dr, but didn't fast, so I had to go back another day for the blood work. I got the results back. The diabetes test came back normal. That is good because diabetes runs in my family. The cholesterol wasn't so good. The overrall count was 188. The nurse said it should be below 200. The good cholesterol was a little low at 38 and the bad was 139. I can't remember what the ranges are suppoed to be, except that the good should be over 40. The Dr recommends a low fat, low cholesterol diet. Ok, I can do that, I think!

Well, as I have been grocery shopping I have been looking at the lables. I don't do that very often, obviously! Because now I KNOW we don't eat very well! But how come is it that all the bad for you food has no cholesterol? I mean sure 8 grams of fat per serving isn't too hot, but no cholesterol in the cookies REALLY makes it EASY to say YES! LOL And the hamburger is pretty high in both areas. I buy ground turkey because it is cheaper and I thought it was better for you. Well, surprise, surprise, it is just about as bad! I looked at the Boca Burgers (vegetarian burgers) and they were WAY LOW in both fat and Cholesterol. And even pretty high in protien. Maybe I will start buying those! LOL

God Bless!

Song from Sunday's Service

Song from the Worship Service Sunday April 30, 2006

Give Us Clean Hands
Charilie Hall

We bow our hearts, we bend our knees
Oh Spirit, come make us humble
We turn our eyes from evil things
O Lord we cast down our idols

Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
O God let us be a generation that seeks,
That seeks Your face O God of Jacob
O God let us be a generation that seeks,
That seeks Your face O God of Jacob


On April 28th I had my first mammogram! I am considered young (although I feel ancient sometimes!) and they say you should have your first one at about 35 :) Since my mom was diagnosed in September 2005 with breast cancer I have felt I should have a mammogram, if not for anything else, but something to base future mammograms on. My Dr wasn't even concerned when I met with her on the 24th of April.

I have heard HORROR stories about how painful they are! I have been sent emails about the woman who is talking to her husband and has very pointed but smashed breasts and says 'Yes I had a mammogram today, how did you know?' (I wonder if I have that picture somewhere on my computer?) After all that how can one NOT be scared to have a mammogram?

Well, I went and had it done finally! LOL And it wasn't near as bad as everyone had led me to believe! Sure it was uncomfortable and after I wondered if I would be a little bruised the next day, but I didn't cry. The technician was very nice (except where she wouldn't let my mom come in with me, although that wasn't her fault. It seems the hospital says it is against the law for anyone else to be in the room. Oh well, I survived!)

God Bless!

Oh yeah, I got a letter a few days later stating that they were 'pleased to inform me that my mammogram showed no signs of cancer' and to return in a year for another bilateral mammogram. YAY! And no, I didn't bruise.


I had to take Stevie to a WIC (Women Infant's and Children) recertification. We were sitting in the waiting room waiting, of course, to be called into get our vouchers. Stevie was sitting playing with the toys when all of the sudden he got up and went off behind me, visibly upset. I got up and went to him and asked him what we wrong. He told me 'there is no food or drink'. I asked him what he meant and he pointed to a sign on the door. It said 'No Food or Drink allowed' because they had new carpet in the office and didn't want it to be ruined. I smiled and had him read me the sign and then helped him understand what it meant.

Stevie will be 5 on July 12th.

Apr 16, 2006

Easter Service

Today is one of my favorite holidays! Easter because we celebrate the Resurrection of our RISEN Lord. I kept hearing on the radio over the weekend that if Jesus didn't really rise from the dead that Christianity is nothing. HOW TRUE! My other favorite holiday is Christmas.

I got up this morning and made the breakfast casserole that I signed up to take to church for the brunch they have every year. I was told that last year they fed over 500 people. WOW! I took the juice and casserole to church at 9am. Then came home and finished getting the kids ready (with Terrilyn and Delsa's help of course! How great that they help!) Then the kids and I went to church, while Steve went to help a friend do some things.

At church we ate some of the great brunch. SEVERAL kinds of egg and meat and cheese casseroles, with all kinds of fruit and muffins, donuts, etc. They even had a chocolate fountain with all kinds of things to put it on. Like strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, cinnamon bears, teady grahams, etc. I heard it was pretty popular! In an hour they went through 5 lbs of chocolate!

After church we came home and had lunch. My dad came in the afternoon and we had a little egg hunt for the kids. Steve and my Dad hid plastic eggs full of candy around the yard. I think my step-mom had more fun than the kids did! We took a video of it and I took a lot of pictures. I haven't uploaded them to an album YET!

The girls (yes, all 3) went to my dad's for the week. It was Spring Break here, but Stevie had school all week. I kept him home so he could go. I know, HOW MEAN!

Apr 11, 2006

Allergies STINK!

Ok, I just wanted to let you all know that I think allergies are a PAIN! LOL As if you all didn't know it! My allergies have been acting up the last couple of weeks. UGH! This year they are the worst. I have a runny nose, stuff in my throat and watery, itchy eyes. Steve, Terrilyn and Delsa keep telling me I don't have to cry all the time! Like I can help it.:)

Ok there is my rant for today.

God Bless!

Apr 5, 2006

This Day

This is the song that we sang in church Sunday. I don't know who sings it.

This Day
This is the Day You have given
This is the day I embrace
The morning awaits to be lived in
For moments too quickly do fade

Never again will there be now
Never a better time to say
I want to please You, show me how
I want to serve You with this day
With this day, with this day

This heart is the heart that is beating
To walk, to delight in your ways
For passions of earth they are fleeting
So I reach for the prize that remains

Right here, right now I seek you
Right here, right now I receive you
Right here, right now I bring you all of me

My Birthday

Ok, so I celebrated the day my mom gave birth to me on Saturday. No joke I am an April Fools Baby! :) I had a great day. I got up and scrubbed the tub with my new gadget, Mr Clean MagicReach Bathroom Cleaner, and then I started a load of laundry. The little ones got up and I fixed them and myself some breakfast. Terrilyn got up shortly after they finished and asked me what I wanted for breakfast. I told her I already ate! My mom came up for a BBQ dinner and before we ate she took Terrilyn to the store to buy stuff to make a cake. How SWEET! After they got back I went with my mom and step-dad to Sam's Club. We wandered around for a bit, tasting the samples and looking for what we would like to have! :) That's always FUN! I haven't been able to do that with my mom for a while, since she started her chemo for breast cancer in December. She has been pretty weak! It was a blast!

Then we came home and had BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs with potaot salad and chips. A couple of friends came and had dinner with us. Then we ate the cake Terrilyn made! Way to go Terrilyn! It was GREAT! YUMMY, too! She used a white cake mix (2 really) and colored them GREEN! (Gotta be GREEN if anything!), 3 different chocolate frosting, with green sprinkles and Rolo candies on top! I got some homemade cards from the kids, a card from my mom and Terrilyn(a rose, too), A gift card, and a cutting board/strianer combo.

Sunday we went to church (we forgot to set our clocks ahead even after repeated reminders! and missed Sunday School, but at least we didn't miss the Worship Service!) We learned a new song (at least I had never heard it before) called This Day (words in next blog entry). Then we came home and later in the afternoon my dad and step-mom came. After spending sime time outside with my dad and his service dog, Sam(who thinks he HAS to be outside the whole time he is here), we came in and had cake and ice cream. The cake was just as good as the day it was made! YUM! Then we played Phase-10.

I will post a picture of my cake at another time as it is still on my camera, I think.

God Bless!

Mar 15, 2006

This is the first flower of the season in my garden. A Crocus.

I got a Kodak Z740. I really like it! Terrilyn got a Mustek 7-in-one 5.0 and I thought about getting that one, but after hers came I looked at it and I am glad I went with the Kodak. The Mustek is good, but not what I wanted for me. I will post some pictures soon. :) But the camera is too big for my purse and all the purses I looked at are too small unless you go for one of those suitcase purses.... And I don't think so! So I just got a nice bag for the camera and I don't carry it with me where ever I go. Although, I would like to! Whenever I see a good picture I never have my camera with me.

I haven't uploaded any pictures because it takes forever with this dialup to upload them! UGH! And since we got satellite the connection seems WORSE! Go figure? So now I don't know what I will do. I can't get Comcast internet anymore because we left them because they charged us a charge we thought was unfair and when I called them they told us they couldn't take it off. Yet when I called to disconnect my service they said they could take it off. Sorry guys, too late! So I will call the Satellite company and see what they charge for internet.

Feb 8, 2006

What Happens When You Get New Toys?

We (well, actually I am) are going to get a new camera with our tax return as the one I have now I can't even take only but 1 or 2 pictures before the battery is showing dead. And they are brand new! HELLO! I told Steve the other day that since I am getting a new camera I need a new purse as the one I have is barely big enough for the camera I have now and the new camera will be bigger. He said that's like since he is getting new tires for the truck the rims will look junky so he needs new rims. Then the paint job will look bad, so he will need a new one. Then since the paint is new he will need new interior covers... LOL

Steve turned 38!

Well, Steve survived another birthday! :) And he doesn't look any worse for the wear! :)

We went to a place called Tucanos. It is a Brazilian Grill. (Seems there are only 2 restaurants in the united States www.tucanos.com) They have an awesome menu! Steve loves to eat there as it is all about MEAT! Almost. They do have a great salad bar there, too, but Steve goes for the meat! And it is all you can eat! We had Tri-Tip Steak, Garlic Sirloin, Honey BBQ chicken, Buffalo Chicken Wings, Bacon Wrapped Turkey, Turkey Sausage, Grilled Veggies, Grilled Pineapple, Beef Brisket. Menu here. While it was mostly good, there were a few meats I didn't like as well. And of course my favorite was the Buffalo Chicken. Steve LOVED the Garlic Sirloin the most. It was great that Terrilyn and Delsa watched the kids for us so we could go. I can't wait for my birthday! We signed up for the Birthday Club. They send you a certificate for a buy one get one free dinner. I also signed Terrilyn and Delsa up for the Birthday Club.

Jan 23, 2006

Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

Prep: 20 minutes plus refrigerator time

Makes 10 servings.

4 oz cream cheese, softened

1 T milk

1 T sugar

1 8oz whipped topping, thawed, divided

1 6oz graham cracker pie crust

1 C milk

1 15oz can pumpkin

2 pkg (4 serving size) vanilla instant pudding

1 t cinnamon

1/2 t ginger

1/4 t ground cloves

Mix cream cheese, 1 T milk, and sugar in bowl with wire whisk until well blended. Gently stir in half of the whipped topping. Spread into crust.

Pour 1 C milk into another bowl. Add pumpkin, dry pudding mixes, and spices. Beat with wire whisk until well blended. Mixture will be thick. Spread over cream cheese layer.

Refrigerate 4 hours or until set. Top with remaining whipped topping.

Jan 10, 2006

Terrilyn's Poems

Here is the poem that Terrilyn will have published in a book called A Celebration of Young Poets. Here is a web site http://www.poeticpower.com/ If anyone wants more info please contact me.

Why Did You Do This?

Terrilyn Romero 10th Grade

Why did you leave us?

Did you really have to go?

Did you not love us, did you not know?

How much I would miss you, how much I cared?

From all the pain I felt is nothing compared,

To the pain I feel now, sixteen years later.

Crying inside, slowly dying, waiting for you to be my savior.

Wondering why you've ignored us, why you've never cared.

Why all the time I was so scared.

Now I have someone new, someone to love me.

Someone who can always see.

Who loved me enough to take me in, as one of their own.

To love me enough to give me a home.

Here is another poem that Terrilyn wrote this year.

I Wonder Why

Terrilyn Romero 2005

I wonder why the sky is blue,

Why the clouds are gray.

Why do birds fly.

And why are rabbits prey?

I wonder why the world is as it is,

And why there's killing

And pain and torture.

Why does blood come spilling.

Why we shoot, and why we lie.

Why we kill, and why we die.

Why we judge against the color of skin,

Why can't we just see what's within.

Catching Up!

I had really wanted to make entries to my blog on a reular basis. Ok, so I am getting pretty regular here, reularly NOT posting an entry.

The kids are back in school and that is a GOOD thing! When Stevie is home Rachelle picks on him something awful! She has gotten to where she hugs him around the neck and then pulls him down on the floor or the couch, or where ever they happen to be, and then she sits on his head. I thought the boys were the mean ones? She has a good teacher though. Stevie can dish it out just as good. Rachelle also likes to take things away from Stevie. An all around torturer.

Terrilyn has been working at Harmon's (a local grocery store) as a bagger. She thinks it is ok. Expecially when the checks are deposited into her savings account. She can't touch the money in it, but I pull out money for tithes and spending each pay period, and she leaves some in for saving up. Currently she wants to save up for a VW Bug Bus. (I can't spell what they are called!) But she wants an Orange one. Her current favorite color. Her grades for Term 2 are not all very good. She has 4 Fs and a D+ and a B or 2 and the rest are C's. Her current GPA is a 1.1. End of term is this Friday I think. I have told her that whatever classes she has a F in will be taken again next year. During the same term she gets the F in. SO these Fs will be made up 2nd term of 11th grade. She really wants to go to Preference. A school dance and hang out with about 19 of her friends. But it is a dressy dance and she needs to buy a prom type dress. We shall see what happens. For English this term her teacher had the class enter a poetry contest. There are 5 different age divisions and each one has 10 winners who get a $50 savings bond and a free copy of the book the poems will be published in. Terrilyn received a letter stating that they wanted to publish her poem. There are about 82 kids, I think, in her school who received such a letter. How cool! The book is called A Celebration of Young Poets We are pretty proud of her! Can't wait for the book to come out!

Delsa hates school. She says it is boring. And she especially hates Math. Although she has straight As. Way to Go! Delsa is growing. She is nearly as tall as me. Also, she is a great help with the kids. She reads to Stevie and plays with him on the computer. Delsa LOVES to crochet. They have an after school program on Mondays where she gets to make a lot of different projects. And she is taking an afterschool class Tuesday through Friday to learn Ballroom Dancing.

Stevie still loves school! He has a 1/2 birthday celebration in class on Thurday as his actual birthday is in July. I can't decide if we will have a party for his school friends now, or wait until July. But I don't know where a lot of his friends live to invite them later. Also, on Thurday, since they are learning about 'Pets' this week they will be going on field trip to a Pet Store. Since school started they have gone to a grocery store, fire department and a dentist office.

Rachelle is nearly as big as Stevie. She has a nasty temper, too. When something doesn't go her way she throws herself back, no matter what is behind her. She likes to help do things also. I think she will potty train soon. Every time someone has to go to the bathroom she needs to go, too. She doesn't actually 'do' anything, but it is good to let her go in as it will encourage her for when she DOES!

Well, I will end this entry and post Terrilyn's poem in the next one.

Have a God Blessed Week!

Sunday January 08, 2006

Here are the words to a song we sang on Sunday that really spoke to me.

Lord Have Mercy

Steve Merkel

Jesus I've forgotten the words that You have spoken

Promises that burned within my heart

Have now grown dim
With a doubting heart I follow

The paths of earthly wisdom

Forgive me for my unbelief, renew the fire again

Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy

Love have mercy on me

Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy on me

I have built an altar where I worship things of man

I have taken journeys

That have drawn me far from You

Now I am returning to Your mercies ever flowing

Pardon my transgressions, help me love You again

I have longed to know You

And all Your tender mercies

Like a river of forgiveness ever flowing without end

So I bow my heart before

YouIn the goodness of Your presence

Your grace forever shining like a beacon in the night

c 2000 Integrity's Hosanna! Music