Jun 12, 2006


(I will add a picture soon!)
Saturday we went to the Art City Days Carnival in Springville. It was a lot of fun, although carnivals have certainly gotten expensive! I went on the Yo-Yo with Delsa. Afterwards Steve told me that because of the trees the ride was not up to it's full running speed! Thank Goodness for that, it was all I could do to get on it! And my Step-Mom wants me to ride the Colossus when we go to Lagoon next month :) Delsa, Stevie and Rachelle went on the little Roller Coaster, rode the ride that looked like Flying Saucers, drove some cars around in circles, and a little fun house type of ride, without the scaryness! Just walking back and forth to the top and then sliding down to the bottom.

After the carnival we went to Steve's boss' house and had a steak salad (salad with cooked steak and black beans mixed in, with a ranch and BBQ sauce dressing), with garlic bread(french bread with butter, minced garlic, light sprinkle of italian seasoning and season salt), and S'mores made with Cadburry Dark chocolate and rootbeer floats for dessert. Then we watched the fireworks. It was a lot of fun.

Jun 2, 2006


I have been wanting to post more blogs, but with my computer and internet I can't be on like I would like. Also, LIFE seems to cut into my plans. I have over 100 flower pictures that I want to share, that I have taken at varying stages of the season. Then there is Stevie's last day of school program, Delsa's 6th Grade Celebration, Terrilyn at work, and other pictures that I want to share :( So little time, so much to do!

Well, I will get off here now to get dinner made and get the kids ready for bed. Now that Summer is here I will be trying to get the littlest ones to sleep in their OWN bed, ALL night! Stevie will not crawl into bed with us IF he sleeps on the couch. Rachelle will no matter where she is sleeping. When they come to bed with us we just don't sleep well as the kids are all over the place. And we are awakened with their elbows, knees, hands, and feet in our face, neck, legs, back, you name it we have had it poked by the little ones! :)

Have a God Blessed Weekend in case I cannot return!