Dec 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a great day. Spent with (some) friends and family. Not everyone could make it, but it was fun. The pics here are of the gift that Steven made me in school. It is one of my favorite gifts. He made a different page for each month, of course. Look below for explanations of a couple.










If I was the Principal... I would put hot tubs on all the ceilings so everyone could swim and show their parents they can swim.



This is Steven and his teacher on Halloween.


This is a comic strip. Steven wrote: box 1: Berries are perfect for pie. Box 2: Pie, Pie, Oh how I love pie. Box 3: Thanks! Box 4: Awww! My fork bent! Box 5: Get out Pie! Box 6: Hey! That pie makes a perfect wheel!


Nov 5, 2008


OK, I borrowed this idea from my cousin's blog. Basically, what you do is open the folder where your pictures are kept and open the 4th folder then post the 4th picture.

This is what I found! A picture of Rachelle and a boy I used to babysit, Jordan. This picture was taken Sept 26, 2006. It is a picture that I have been meaning to print for Jordan's mom. BTW, Jordan is only 1 month older than Rachelle!
Ok, now it is your turn, and make sure you post me a comment so I can see what you find!

Oct 4, 2008


If you know anything about me, it is that I BITE my nails. Well, it has been nearly 4 weeks since I stopped biting my nails! YAY ME! After 30+ years of biting them it sure is WEIRD to have nails. I have to get used to them. For instance, one night I was fixing dinner and cut my nail off with the knife. WHOA! I have never done that before. The next day I was at Costco and ran my hands through my hair and one of my nails snagged in my hair. I looked and my nail had gotten broken somehow.

You can see in this picture (taken almost week ago) the weird way the nail broke. If you can't tell, it is the left ring-finger nail. Ok, I am finished about my nails. It is just something cool I had to blog about because I have never had nails this long before. Thanks for reading.

Aug 21, 2008

Recipe For Kindness

My friend Marilyn, who recently lost her husband of 41 years, sent this to me. I thought I would share.

Author Unknown

Fold two hands together
And express a dash of sorrow
Marinate it overnight
And work on it tomorrow.

Chop one grudge in tiny pieces
Add several cups of love
Dredge with a large sized smile
Mix with the ingredients above.

Dissolve the hate within you,
By doing a good deed
Cut in and help your friend
If he should be in need.

Stir in laughter, love an kindness
From the heart it has to come,
Toss with genuine forgiveness
And give your neighbor some.

The amount of people served
Will depend on you,
It can serve the whole wide world,
If you really want it to.

Jul 19, 2008

Memory Lane

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I would love for everyone to play along. Don't be shy leave whatever memory you would like.

Thanks Steve for posting this in your blog. It is a fun game!

Jun 19, 2008


In order for Steven to earn his Tiger Cub Badge he has to do 15 different things. One of the things he has to do is learn the rules of a game or sport and then go watch it. Since a friend of ours is on a softball team we looked up the rules online and then as a family we went and watched The Sleepers play. We had a great time. Watch the pictures load up and enjoy.

Apr 3, 2008

My New Grandbaby!

And here he is!


Born on April 1, 2008


18 inches

Proud Mom!

Apr 2, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution!

My brother and sister-in-law came down a couple times after we got our DDR for the PS2 and Jesica wanted to play it. But they never had time. FINALLY we turned it on right after they got here a couple day ago and Joseph and Jesica played it. Jesica said she would like to get one, but Joseph said NO! But who looks like they are having more fun!?!

Apr 1, 2008


Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friends, Sunnie and Gale, and my sister-in-law, Jesica, who happen to share my birthday!


Love ya!

Mar 31, 2008

Spring Snow

Yesterday it SNOWED!
I thought Spring was in the air?
It was very pretty though.

Mar 8, 2008

Pierced Ears

Steve, Delsa, Steven, Rachelle and I were walking around the mall. Delsa wanted to look for a necklace set similar to the one Terrilyn got for her and Delsa that is 2 necklaces with heats and says 'lil sis' on one and 'big sis' on the other. While in Claire's looking for the necklace, that they didn't have, Rachelle saw some earrings she wanted to have. We told her she couldn't have the earrings because she didn't have her ears pierced.

So she said she wanted her ears pierced. We wandered around the mall looking for a place that would do them where they had better looking earrings for a fairer price than Claire's had. We found a place and got all set up. There were 2 girls in the kiosk and they both loaded a piercing gun. They prepped Rachelle's ears and counted 1... 2... 3... click, click. Rachelle immediately said "I don't want my ears pierced and more"! I told her she had to leave the earrings in for 2 months. Here are pics of her getting her ears pierced.

Feb 27, 2008

Spring Is Coming!

The tulips and daffodils are coming up
and there are buds on the trees!

How pretty. I can't wait for warmer weather. I am so tired of being cold!

Feb 13, 2008


I wrecked Steve's baby last week! OH MAN! Well, at least it wasn't my fault. :) A lady slid on the slushy road through the stop sign and I couldn't do anything BUT hit her. Everyone involved is ok and his baby will get fixed soon enough! The top picture doesn't show the full extent of the damage. The parking light in the bottom picture is hanging on by just 1 screw now.

Feb 11, 2008

Breaking Ground

Pastor Scott told us yesterday in church some AWESOME news! We will be breaking ground for our new building this summer! YAY! Even though we don't have all the money needed to build the whole building, we will start with what we have.

Feb 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Steve!

Today is Steve's 40th Birthday.

Feb 1, 2008

Transfering A Blog

I just visited my Y!360 site after some several months of inactivity, due to slow dial-up (which is also the reason of the lack of posts here). I read that they are getting rid of Y!360. I don't know when or any other details, but thought I would try to preserve my blogs and comments here. I don't know of any way to accomplish this task, except to copy paste. There is talk over on Y!360 of people "backing up" their blogs, but I haven't checked into the "how-to's". So I will do what I "know-how"!

I figured out that I can create a post today and make it like I had posted it before today. How awesome it that? So that is what I will do! Yay Me!