Jul 19, 2008

Memory Lane

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I would love for everyone to play along. Don't be shy leave whatever memory you would like.

Thanks Steve for posting this in your blog. It is a fun game!


Steve said...

The best memory I have, would be Granddad and I visiting you and mom while you were still down in AZ. You and I ended up staying awake all night talking and what not.

Love ya Sis.

Nikki said...

When we went to young mothers together, you were so very young and just had terrilyn and you were such a good, cute little mom. We were in class and Terrilyn was on the table and she fell off and screamed and you started to cry, it was the saddest thing ever! But she was fine and I think you had a harder time than she did. You were so cute and I felt so bad for you cause it scared us all. Wierd memory huh!

Tee4Jesus said...

Steve that was a long time ago. Before my kids! WOW! I remember that. Mom and I had tried to highlight her hair. I pulled too much through the holes in the head covering and mom ended up BLONDE!

Tee4Jesus said...

NIKKI! You make it sound like I am WAY younger than you! I am only a couple years. That was a sad funny memory! Terrilyn wasn't even supposed to ba able to roll when she did. She was only a couple months old. LONG time ago. Thanks for posting and now I know our site I can check it out!